At present this page is only in English. If you would like to translate it into your language please contact us.
The NVC Dance Floors were co-created by Bridget Belgrave and Gina Lawrie

Bridget Belgrave has been working with individuals and groups in the field of personal development since 1980, and since 1996 has been a certified trainer with the Centre for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC). Prior to working with NVC she co-directed an Alexander Technique teacher training course, worked in R&D with Effective Intelligence, and integrated Psychosynthesis into her 1-to-1 work and public workshops. She studied Politics, Philosophy and Economics at Oxford University. Recently she has been studying IFS (Internal Family Systems). Based in Oxford UK, Bridget works worldwide, and writes. Her novel ‘Zak’, is much loved by children and adults.
Gina Lawrie has a background in psychology, social work and management development. She has been working as an independent organisation development consultant for over 20 years in private, public and not for profit sectors. She has recently added a new offering; Empathic Decluttering! Based on NVC, her approach recognises how intertwined our inner and outer worlds are. In the past Gina taught meditation and it is the spiritual basis of NVC and the way that is integrated with practical skills that is what she most values. Based in Farnham, Surrey, Gina introduced NVC in Australia, New Zealand and Singapore. She is an assessor of candidates wishing to become certified trainers with the Centre for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC).
Nonviolent Communication (NVC) was developed by Marshall Rosenberg

Bridget and Gina both studied and worked with Marshall Rosenberg in the 1990s and 2000s. They developed the Dance Floors as a method for people to learn and practise Marshall's teaching. Marshall travelled almost continually for 30 years responding to invitations to bring NVC to people around the world, and inspired people to join an international network of trainers that continues to grow. Marshall founded the Center for Nonviolent Communication www.cnvc.org
NVC Dance Floor translations: In response to requests, we organised translation into many languages.
We are amazed at the generosity and commitment of the many people who engaged in the work of translation. These people are all NVC trainers, so they could translate with finesse into an 'NVC' version of their language, and enable us to bring the Dance Floors to their language group.
German: Suzanne Kalkowski, Sucimanasa Lehmann, Nadine Helm, Yan-Christoph Pelz, Marietta Winkler von Mohrenfels
French: Manibhadri, Godfrey Spencer, Kevin Dancelme, Julien Barthès
Dutch: Justine Mol, Monie Doodeman, Ruud Baanders, Anja Strik
Italian: Elisa Garlaschi, Giacomo Poleschi, Shera Lynn Parpia, Olivia Della Croce
Danish: Gitte Brandenburg Carlsen, Birthe Bak, Pernille Plantener
Spanish: Helen Adamson, F. Javier Romeo, Gerardo Sanchez
Swedish: Towe Widstrand, Katarina Hoffmann
Norwegian: Arvid Leeber, Jannicke Heyerdahl-Larsen, Christian Rafn, Axel Bojer
Russian: Olga Belogrivtseva
Japanese: Ken, Haruno, Katsuzo, Seiji, Go, Yuko, Nozomi, Toshi, Naomi, Riko, Shigeko, Maria, Kikuatsu
Mandarin/Chinese (simplified): Christina Fang, Liu Yi
Korean: The NVC Korea centre in Seoul
Arabic: Souleiman Kassouha
Turkish: Inci Oszendil
Polish: Magdalenę Malinowską,
Brygidę Dynisiuk, Beatę Kosiacką
Finnish: Hanna Savanna, Sirpa Meriläinen, Ida Land
Greek: Stella Koukougianni
Romanian: Monica Reu, Octavian Istrate
The Dance Floor DVD project was initiated by Elkie Deadman

Elkie inspired about 20 friends and colleagues in her network of creative professionals to support this project. In particular Sander Van Gaalen - a highly professional video editor - did all the camera work and editing, with Elkie as the producer. Arthur Theunissen and Piet Krens did the sound design and music. Elkie has a background in performance and in music production, and now works as a CNVC certified trainer giving trainings in banks and other organisations in the Netherlands, and supporting NVC projects in India and Sierra Leone.
22 people came to participate in the filming

On each of three filming days 8 people came to the studio to be in the 'workshop group' for the film. Each day two or three people allowed their personal processes to be filmed for the DVDs, while being coached on a Dance Floor by Bridget. We could not have made these DVDs without their openness and courage to be seen. Thank you people!
The DVDs have subtitles in 6 languages, and the Intro film also in Japanese.
They are also available as streamed videos.
Making the subtitles was a marathon project, involving translation of more than 6 hours of video material, and complex menu building on the DVDs. We are stunned how eager, generous and willing so many people were to support us in making the subtitles in their language.
English: Dawn Mastin, Bridget Belgrave
Dutch: Monie Doodeman, Mieke van Opheusden, Anja Strik, Antowi Wibbelink, Gonnie Bas
French: Manibhadri, Godfrey Spencer, Anne Bonew, Caroline Hougardy, Anne Dupont, Farrah Baut-Carlier, Françoise Berry, Thierry Catillon
German: Yan-Christoph Pelz, Marietta Winkler von Mohrenfeis
Japanese: Ken Anno
Spanish: Gerardo Sanchez, Rodrigo Suarez, Madeleine Sierra, Eusebi Pahissa
Swedish: Katarina Hoffmann
Sharing the NVC Dance Floors so widely unexpectedly involved creating a publishing business

Ruud Baanders helps steer the business side of the Dance Floors work, to enable Gina and Bridget to continue to share and support this work worldwide. The challenges and complexities of publishing in many languages have been huge and sometimes overwhelming. In 2010 Ruud helped us re-structure to lighten the load, and he now supports Life Resources, run by Bridget, which publishes the NVC Dance Floors.